2017 Big Climb

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This year marks the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) 31st annual “Big Climb.”

The “Big Climb” philanthropic event requires participants to climb sixty-nine flights of stairs or 1,311 steps to reach the observation deck in Seattle’s Columbia Tower where Freestone is located.  Last year was Freestone’s first year participating in the event and we raised over $32,000 for leukemia and lymphoma research.

Twenty-seven Freestone team members will attempt this year’s climb to raise awareness for blood cancer research and support the LLS in finding a cure. We have pledged to raise $50,000 and you can follow our progress on the Big Climb website at – www.bigclimb.org. The event takes place on Sunday, March 26th. Let the training begin…or hopefully continue!

If you are interested in supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and would like to help support Freestone’s team, please speak to your Client Advisor. There may be opportunities to contribute low-basis securities, lower your tax bill, and support a great cause at the same time.

We encourage you to contact a Client Advisor with any questions.

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Posted By: Freestone