Freestone volunteers at FareStart

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A group of Freestone volunteers spent the day at Farestart preparing meals for Seattle shelters. FareStart is one of the many organizations our employees selected to be part of our “Five Fridays” volunteer program.

Seattle-based FareStart provides resources to youths and adults who have experienced recent hardship with the tools, training and support to find a long term job. The international FareStart non-profit offers a 16 week culinary job training and placement opportunity for people struggling with homelessness and other disadvantages. In addition to their curriculum, FareStart operates seven restaurants and cafes in the greater Seattle area and also provides community meal programs to Seattle’s most vulnerable. 

Working side by side with FareStart’s chef instructors and students, Freestone volunteers spent a day prepare a week of shelter meals. Twenty volunteers and FareStart students prepared over 2,000 meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner to be distributed to local Seattle shelters. 

Click here to learn more about FareStart and their impact on the Seattle community.

Posted By: Freestone